ISDT is the first transparent engineering software designed to increase ease, speed and mobility in engineering workflow and to make documentation and sharing of building data more accessible for both local and governmental needs.
Until now there has been no dynamic documentation system available. The proper handling of data not only affects building budgets by hundreds of millions of dollars but can even affect the safety of a building project. Traditional paper documentation methods and even the much touted CAD or BIM modeling systems do not allow engineering data to be saved in an accessible or editable format, thus making correct documentation extremely difficult and time-consuming for the busy engineer and his peers.
ISDT has made documentation of building data easy and accessible by integrating a PDF editor into a transparent engineering calculator. This creates a readable electronic blueprint with all of the building safety information and supporting calculations for the safety of each individual structural member accessible with a click. The core of Fiat-Tech’s innovation lies in the patented algorithms that allow the transparent engineering tool to express itself graphically onto the PDF blueprint. This means that the use of ISDT on a laptop is the equivalent of an entire desk of blueprints, calculators, design-aid software and pencils.
This new level of self-sufficiency and mobility in turn can increase productivity up to sevenfold, prevent financial leakage and eliminate data loss. All of this points to a safer and more efficient process. And with the elimination of paper use, ISDT also presents an eco-friendly mode of engineering which can add NGBS certified ‘green points’ automatically to any project.